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Instructional design​

      Instructional design is the systematic process that is employed to develop education and training programs in a consistent and reliable fashion (Reiser & Dempsey, 2007).

      In my opinion, instructional design is the systematic process to design, develop, and deliver instructions using some instructional theories and strategies to ensure the quality of instruction.


      In ETEC 500, I had a preliminary understanding about the ADDIE instructional design model. I knew it is a rounded system that has five phases, including analysis, design, development, implementation, and evaluation.

Source: Piskurich, G. (2015). Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right. (3rd ed) Hoboken, New Jersey.

  • Analysis: There are three kinds of analysis, including needs analysis, learner analysis and instructional analysis. Instructional designers conduct surveys or interviews to analyze target learners' characteristics and to know the learners' needs. Based on their needs, instructional designers define the instructional goal.


  • Design: instructional designers decide measurable and observable learning objectives, instructional content, and instructional strategies such as delivery system and motivation theories based on the target learners' needs. After that, the instructional designers can draw a content flowchart and a storyboard. 

  • Development: instructional designers use the instructional strategies that they choose in the design phase to develop instructional materials.

  • Implementation: the designers provide instructional guide and training to instructors, and prepare the real implement.

  • Evaluation: instructional designers conduct formative and summative evaluation to improve their instructional design. Formative evaluation is conducted during the process of designing and developing the materials. Summative evaluation measures the effectiveness of instruction after the course has been finalized. 

      In ETEC 544, I obtained a deep understanding about ADDIE model, and my group used ADDIE model to design an online training.

Dick, Carey & Carey

       Dick, Carey, and Carey is another instructional design model, it has ten steps, which can be divided into analysis phase, design and development phase, and evaluation phase.

  Source: Dick, W., Carey, L. & Carey, J. (2009). The systematic design of Instruction. 7th Ed. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Merrill.


       In this project, we utilized the ADDIE model. The purpose of this project is to introduce American University life information to Vietnamese students. The target learners of this project are Vietnamese students who are interested in studying in America and want to know more information about campus life in the United States. These Vietnamese students could identify student employment information through our project.

       We created a Facebook page and uploaded a tutorial video to introduce the students employment information. Also, we conducted a beta test to evaluate the learners' performance and the value of our project.

       The final report included analysis report, design document, development document and beta test report.

       In this project, I utilized the Dick, Carey & Carey instructional design model. The purpose of this project is to help Chinese as foreign language (CFL) learners and to motivate their interests in learning Chinese. The target learners of this project are 20 CFL learners at CSUSB. The goal of this project is for CFL learners to define and utilize Chinese vocabulary and to identify some Chinese traditional festivals through self-paced learning activities.

       I designed a website to deliver my course. Learners can easily learn Chinese by reading the instructions, watching tutorial videos and taking quizzes on my website.

​       The final report included analysis report, design document, development report, website storyboard and evaluation report.


      In ETEC 544, I acquired some information about human learning, including learning theories (behaviorism, cognitivism and constructivism), style, and motivation. Also, I learned how to write an analysis report, a design document, a development document and a beta test report. Additionally, I learned some technology skills like screen recording and some video editing softwares such as Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 and Final Cut Pro.

      In ETEC 644, I utilized the Dick, Carey & Carey instructional design model to design my project. I enjoyed the process of designing lessons using knowledge that I learned from class and other sources. However, it was a huge challenge for me to independently design an effective and attractive course in a short period of time. I needed to arrange my time and integrate some theories to design my course, such as Gagne's nine events of instruction, motivation theory, instructional strategies, and visual design principles. Additionally, I learned plenty of technology tools in this course and I used some of them to develop my instructional materials, such as Mysimpleshow and Camtasia. In the future, I will try to use other technology tools to design my course.


Dick, W., Carey, L. & Carey, J. (2015). Systematic Design of Instruction (8th ed.). Upper Saddle River,              

          NJ: Pearson.

Piskurich, G. (2015). Rapid Instructional Design: Learning ID Fast and Right (3rd ed). Hoboken, New Jersey.

Reiser, R. A., Dempsey, J. V. (2007). Trends and Issues in Instructional Design (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River,

          NJ: Pearson.

California State University, 

San Bernardino


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CA 92407​

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